To Blog or Not To Blog...
I recently felt convicted about being out here blogging my heart out. This conviction came when I was reading this post and its comments on The Path. Even before I read it, I had thought about closing down shop. I started the blog last year, and it is really just a hobby. As far as feeling 'compelled to share my story', I have had plenty of outlets for that. For instance, I have been in many email conversations with my Protestant friends; the local major newspaper in our area has allowed me to write about my Orthodox journey in their Faith section; I recently completed my college degree which required a final project and a paper explaining the vision of my life - both highly engaging and involved writing projects that more than met this need for sharing. My former pastor also wanted me to write to him explaining my journey as completely as possible so he could understand why I made the jump.
So, did I need this self-indulgent, vainglorious blog? Did I really need to spill my private thoughts to the world. Did I really need another way to be accountable for all of my idle words on Judgement Day?
I am beginning to think Marshall McLuhan was right when he said that in the electronic age, we lose our privacy. It seems as if the internet with YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook, Blogger and all of the other outlets available to become a self-made superstar, are making his statement true - and we are doing it willingly!
But, on a positive note, perhaps this blog and others like it provide a word of encouragement, a new and refreshing way of looking at the world or understanding the Faith, or just enough of a nudge to cause you to write something worthwhile and helpful on your own blog.
My personal feeling is that if you write a blog, that it isn't necessarily a self-indulgent thing (although it certainly can be), but that, like the servants who were given talents to put to good use until the Master's return, bloggers believe they are contributing something to the world that the Master has given them. We may not be able to necessarily double our efforts as they did in the parable, but we aren't burying them either. We are sharing our unique perspective endowed by our All-Holy God who brings Life to the world.
I am no Hemmingway or Shakespeare, but by God's life-giving Grace, I pray I do what I can with what He has given me.
Hi Nicodemus,
After blogging for over 3 years I still struggle with "what's the point?" I wrote a post about that just a couple months ago. As much as I've had the notion that teaching and "sharing" is dangerous ego waters, I've been doing it for almost 40 years now, sometimes more soberly than others. Some people do have a gift of teaching and it would be wrong to not exercise it. But even the teacher must be careful that he does not become proud. If we always remember James 2, and keep judgment in front of us, we will do well. God bless your gifts and efforts.
Thanks, s-p! I think your are right - sharing can be dangerous. There is something very appealing to me about the monastic way of life - staying silent and praying constantly - we could all learn a lesson from that. Instead of having a 'No TV' week, how about a 'no talking, only praying' week. I wonder how that would affect us? Might be difficult in my household with two pre-teen girls who love to talk!
I concur. I've been married for almost 35 years (not in a row...) with 6 kids, and I've always had an attraction to silence and solitude. Actually that was BEFORE marriage and kids LOL!... Anyway, I love silence and most of the people I meet and work for just don't get it. I don't work with a radio or CD player blasting, I could go for hours without saying a word...people just don't know how to deal with silence. I think it is a symptom of a deep spiritual illness. There is a fine line between talking to hear ourselves and talking in a way that benefits others in a way our silence would not benefit them more. May we have the grace to discern! :)
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